
U bent succesvol uitgelogd.

  • For our clients: download the App.

Mein Portal - Onlinebanking

  • For our clients: download the App.

Private banking and online banking - a perfect match

How is my portfolio performing? Are there any new notifications from my private bank? Our online banking service 'My Portal' is the answer to such questions.
You get even more independence as well as appropriate and state of the art complement to our personal service. Naturally, always with the security standards you expect from your private bank.

Mein Portal - Online Banking Manual for Web (German)


Das photoTAN-Lesegerät: Ihr Schlüssel zum photoTAN-Verfahren.

Mein Portal - Online Banking Manual for App (German)

Convenient and secure: our online banking

As Bethmann Bank client, you can access our online banking by clicking on "My Portal". Once you have logged in, you will receive a direct overview of your invested assets, conveniently with your smartphone or tablet. Watch the development of your portfolio at any time and any place: in clear graphs, broken down by asset class or for a specific period. If the markets change and we recommend an adaptation in your portfolio, you will receive a notification. 
You can archive account statements, securities statements and portfolio reports in your mailbox or simply download them to your computer - paperless, space-saving and environmentally friendly. 
If you want to talk to us about your securities account or your account - by phone or video conference - "My Portal" also helps you: your advisor can access your data and see the same information as you do. That, in turn, can make your conversation easier and more purposeful.
In your sustainability dashboard, you will find information about the sustainable impact of your investment portfolio. Here we show how your investments are performing in terms of ESG risks, carbon footprint, and the Paris Agreement.

Mein Portal Funktionen im Überblick

Watch the development of your portfolio anytime and everywhere. How are certain asset classes performing in your securities account? Or in specific sectors?

Here you will find all the important information on your assets in clear graphics: a pie chart illustrates the development by asset class. You can see the performance since the beginning of the year and for a certain period of time. The asset statements are clear and informative, compiled according to investment form and region, risk classes and region, and, in the case of the equity component, according to the sector.

The investment markets are always changing. We tell you what this means for you personally.
Wenn sich die Märkte bewegen und wir in Ihrem Portfolio eine Änderung empfehlen, bekommen Sie eine Benachrichtigung.

All documents at a glance: your digital inbox.
Do you prefer paperless banking? Do you prefer to archive your documents securely and in one place? There are many advantages with paperless banking. You will regularly receive account statements, security transaction statements and portfolio reports in your inbox. All files will be archived here.

The sustainability dashboard informs you how your portfolio performs against the categories ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), CO2-emissions, Paris Agreement and SDG.

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We are constantly striving to develop our digital offer for you.

Come and see for yourself.

Do you have any questions?

Videobanking - A man sitting on a couch with a laptop.

Video Banking

Hands working on a notebook


Vermögensanlage für Stiftungen und institutionelle Kunden - Ein Mann bedient sein Smartphone
