
U bent succesvol uitgelogd.

 Character - A man and a woman on a sofa are watching something on a tablet.


Our Society Magazine

We have always been engaged in dialogues on social and economic issues. As one of Germany's longest-established Private Bank, we not only see ourselves as responsible for financial matters, but also as an active part of society.

Our Society Magazine, “Character”, explores unusual life paths, surprising opinions and new perspectives - written by experienced journalists in an entertaining and undogmatic way. In each issue we introduce you to an interesting persona, present a company investing in the future or offer a change of perspective.

Bethmann Bank - modern, sustainable, individual. This is why Character, our Society Magazine, exists.

Character Magazine Cover: A man leans against a wall.

Character 26

Find out more in the current character about...

  • Living for help: Young people support older people in the household 
  • The art of persistence
  • The heir society: who inherits and who doesn't?
  • Luxurious sleeping thanks to the Mühldorfer company

And the sections Favorite pieces, Change of perspective and Companies with tradition.


Image of Oliver Berking

Character Portrait - Oliver Berking

The Flensburg native is the patron of the only remaining silver factory in Germany.

 Image of a lady smelling truffles.

The scent of gold

In Thuringia, a former bank advisor runs an extremely profitable truffle plantation. 
A crack in a tree is filled with a green gel.

Roots as climate savers

Phytomining – when plants extract heavy metals from the soil. 

Does “Character” appeal to you? Feel free to recommend our Society Magazine to others!

Portrait of Claudia Fleischer

Claudia Fleischer

Corporate Communications and Marketing


+49 171 6515865



Portrait of Alexandra Vitt-Krauß

Alexandra Vitt-Krauß

Head of Marketing & Communications, Spokesperson


+49 69 2177-1379