Sustainable investments are increasingly in the focus of investors. Many asset managers now offer the relevant products but only a few have as much experience as Bethmann Bank. We have been focusing on sustainable investments for over a decade. You and your clients can benefit from this experience and expertise by using Bethmann Bank’s sustainable multi-asset funds.
For over ten years, sustainable investment strategies have been an integral part and now form the core of our portfolio. We are part of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) financial initiative and are committed to giving special consideration to sustainability issues such as environmental, social and corporate governance aspects in our investment strategies. Our investment team prepares its own overall analysis for sustainable investment funds. It is based, among other things, on data from Sustainalytics and goes through a multi-stage sustainability process using exclusion criteria, positive criteria clustered according to sub-industry and a best-in-class approach.
The external Sustainability Advisory Board, founded in 2011, is an important driving force in our sustainability process. The five members advise our investment team with their socio-ethical and scientific know-how on fundamental questions of sustainability. They support our wealth management in aligning criteria for sustainable investments according to new scientific and social developments and review investments with regard to their sustainability. The diverse views and facets of sustainability are discussed openly and critically.
We offer our sustainable multi-asset funds to asset managers, banks, savings banks as well as financial product distributors and intermediaries. This means that you and your customers will benefit from Bethmann Bank’s asset allocation expertise. The fund rating agency Morningstar* has awarded our sustainable funds four and five stars.
Our fund solutions are aimed at asset managers, banks, savings banks, financial distributors and intermediaries as an ideal complement and diversification building block in their client portfolios.
The maximum share quota of the individual funds ranges from 30 to 100 per cent. This means you are sure to find a product that fits your clients’ risk profile.
Our funds focus on global equities and bonds. In doing so, we take advantage of the many asset class opportunities such as global high-yield bonds or emerging market bonds.
Depending on the respective business model of the wholesale customer, various remuneration models of our funds are available for selection – tranches with or without portfolio remuneration.
The tradability of our sustainable mutual funds is guaranteed via various fund platforms.
You are a fund of fund manager, wealth manager or you are responsible for the selection of third party funds? Are you looking for successful single and multi-asset funds with a transparent investment process? If so, we need to talk. I look forward to our discussion.
*© 2022 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is considered proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be reproduced or distributed; and (3) is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete or up-to-date. At no time shall Morningstar or its content providers be liable for any damage or losses arising from the use of this information. The Morningstar ratings are composed as follows: A Morningstar rating is based on the return a fund has generated compared to other funds in the same category. A Morningstar rating is calculated for 3, 5 and 10 years. If a fund has existed for 10 years, it receives three different ratings. The overall rating of a fund is a weighted average of these three. The 10-year rating accounts for 50% of the total rating, the 3-year rating for 30% and the 2-year rating for 20%. 5 stars - Top 10% in the Morningstar category. 4 stars - The following 22.5% in the Morningstar category. 3 stars - The following 35% in the Morningstar category. 2 stars - The following 22.5% in the Morningstar category. 1 star - The bottom 10% in the Morningstar category Past performance is no guarantee of future results.