For some time now, we have wanted to enable our consultants to be with our clients, despite not physically being in the same place. There had to be a way of bringing a face-to-face conversation with a consultant to a digital level in the age of WhatsApp and Facetime. Long before contact restrictions came into play with the pandemic, we realised that rather than replacing our face-to-face counselling, digital channels had the potential to support, complement and digitally engage with our clients.
We use Microsoft Teams for Bethmann LIVE to ensure a secure connection and optimum video quality. You can use Microsoft Teams on your desktop, tablet or smartphone anytime, anywhere.
If you have already installed the software or app, the meeting will open automatically. If not, you can easily do so just before your LIVE appointment when entering the meeting details. Microsoft Teams can also be used on most computers without installing it.
Android Quick Start Guide (German)
Apple Mobile Devices Quick Start Guide (German)
Firefox Quick Start Guide (German)
Google Chrome Quick Start Guide (German)
Internet Explorer Quick Start Guide (German)
Microsoft Edge Quick Start Guide (German)
Safari Quick Start Guide (German)
Video banking conditions (German)
Have you accidentally deleted the email with the link to the LIVE page? Please briefly get in touch with your consultant by phone or by email.
Did you not dial into your LIVE appointment as agreed? Your consultant will call you at the appointed time on the number you have given and start LIVE with you.
Do you have any questions or suggestions and would like to contact us? Please use our contact form.