Access to investment opportunities
Especially institutional investors such as pension funds and insurances have a widespread interest in private equity. Nevertheless, the high initial investment amounts of typically several million Euros or US dollars were a hurdle to private clients for a long time. However, in order to give our clients access to these over-the-counter investment opportunities, we built up a team of experts twenty years ago. The team analyses and selects private equity funds and provides our clients with access to these funds via exclusive investment structures - with significantly lower minimum investment amounts. These experts will be your contacts to accompany you throughout the entire investment period.
Private equity funds are usually closed-end fund structures managed by specialised private equity companies. These funds invest in companies that are in different stages. A basic distinction is made between three investment strategies: so-called "venture capital" flows to companies in the start-up or early stages. As a result, this type of investment has the greatest return potential, but also the highest investment risk. So-called "growth capital", on the other hand, is provided to companies in the growth phase as liquidity for larger growth initiatives. Finally, the least risky strategy is the "buyout" strategy: it focuses on the acquisition and further development of already mature companies.